Aquarius Press/Willow Books

Sometimes You Do Things

Aquarius Press

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Poetry collection by Sarah Zale.

Some poets write with such clarity of eye that reading their work is like paging through a scrapbook of their experience. Sarah Zale is such a poet. This is a writer who has ‘seen a lot of dying,’ but who understands that ‘sometimes you do things’ because there is no other human alternative.  Ultimately, Zale graces us with the battered but never defeated lives captured in her words.

–John Jeffire, Motown Burning

In this gracefully passionate collection of poems about Detroit, Sarah Zale has plumed the hard-worked yet strongly beating heart of my beloved birthplace. Detroit, mythical and real, is emblematic of all that is both great and grim about America: her history, devastation, and hope. “Detroit is still burning” says one of the poems, and Zale¹s poems burn with the fire of love for justice, compassion, and the on-going struggle.    

—Judith Roche, Wisdom of the Body

 The poems of Sarah Zale are rooted in reality and exude moral elegance. Through rhythms of memory, of factories, of reclaimed streets, she marvelously turns old fires into new light.

—Linda Andrews, Escape of the Bird Women

Willow Books